Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Upcoming Runs

Upcoming Runs:
November 7 2010   Men's Health Urbanathlon (Fort Bonifacio - 5 km w/ obstacles)
November 21 2010 Unilab Run for Wellness 2 (Fort Bonifacio - 15 km)
December 5 2010    Quezon City International Marathon (Quezon City - 21 km)
December 19 2010  Conquer Corregidor: The Corregidor Half-Marathon (Corregidor - 21 km)
January 9 2011        Cebu City Marathon (Ayala Center, Cebu City - 21 km)
January 23 2011      Greentennial Run (Fort Bonifacio - 10 km)
February 6 2011      Condura Run 2011 (Fort Bonifacio/Skyway)
February 20 2011    New Balance Power Run (Clark)*

Wow my running sched is booked!  Already registered for the Urbanathlon, Unilab, Corregidor, and Greentennial Run.  Never thought I'd become this much of a running addict.  To think that I used to run for the breakfasts! :)

Body Combat 45 Review

I finally got to try the new combat release, BodyCombat 45, last Monday at Fitness First Greenhills.  I'd heard some not-so-good feedback about this release, so I figured that, hoping I'd be able to appreciate it more, I should wait for Jury's class to try it out.  (Jury Domino teaches BodyCombat at Fitness First, and is one of the two primary mentors who taught me to love and live this workout.)

Jury did his job; I think I appreciated the new release much more than I would have if I'd attended any other instructor's class.  But I still couldn't help thinking this release somehow lacks the oomph that makes BodyCombat the hardcore workout I consider it to be.

Track 1 (Warmup Track): "No Easy Way Out"/"Are You Gonna Go My Way"
Quite good, the slow-motion moves (specifically the back leg kick) proved to be a bit of a challenge to a girl who'd just finished her first half-marathon the day before.  A bit too long, though.

Track 2 (Combat Track 1): "Back to Innocence"
This track left me feeling there was something missing.  Not necessarily ugly, but definitely not great and a bit forgettable.

Track 3 (Power Track 1): "Because the Night"
Pretty fun and one of the better tracks, but still less so than the last release's third track ("The Time of Our Lives").  A bit confusing at first, but anyone can easily get the hang of it.

Track 4 (Combat Track 2/Jump-Kick Track) "Take a Look Around"
This one was a bit too noisy for my liking, and let's just say that I seldom like "loud" combat tracks.  A bit challenging though.

Track 5 (Power Track 2) "Proud Mary"
This track might win the hearts of oldies-lovin' combaters (like my dad, who kind of likes the track), but I think the repetitive knee-ups and speedballs can get really boring after the first minute or so.  Definitely not a fan of this track.

Track 6 (Recovery Track) "Russian Roulette"
"Russian Roulette" is my favorite track in the release, which is a good thing because I believe it's the longest recovery track in BodyCombat history.  Dramatic music and innovative moves -- nice! -- albeit a bit slow.

Track 7 (Muay Thai): "Going Out Swingin'"
Muay Thai track "Goin' Out Swingin" is another noisy combat track that I didn't enjoy too much; basically it's knees, knees, and never-ending knees.  I think I'd say this is one of my least favorite muay thai tracks in BodyCombat history.

Track 8 (Power Track 3): "See the Light"
My other favorite track!  Recycled from BodyAttack (not that I mind, since I love BodyAttack as well), this track and the speedwork that comes with it has the potential to provide combaters with some much-needed endorphins when executed energetically.  I can imagine it would be a blast to scream our heads off while doing this track.

Track 9 (Conditioning): "I Can Transform Ya"
Tough track!  Provides a nice shoulder workout.

Track 10 (Cooldown): "Black Box"
Your basic, straightforward cooldown track; nothing really new there, although this track allows for a bit of nice drama katas.

BodyCombat is still my favorite gym workout, no doubt about it.  But this release leaves me hoping that the they'd improve on the next release, and it makes me glad that I have running has an alternate workout now, because I don't think I'd be able to stand having to do this four days a week for an entire month like I did with older releases.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Might not have been the most organized run, but this bib number and medal will always hold a special place on my shelf :)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Friday night means...

...Tony's all-you-can-eat chicken...

...with awesome chili sauce...

...and Banapple's gobblin' goblin pie to top it all off!

That wasn't really a carbo-loading session was it?  More of a protein and sugar loading session.  Still, sweet :)

Friday, October 22, 2010

Adidas King of the Road 2010 Checklist

► Adizero Aces
► aNR Singlet
► Nike Shorts
► iPod
► Hook Earphones
► BodyGlide
► Petroleum Jelly
► Bib Number
► Bib Belt
► Hammer Gel x 2
► Nike Armband
► Cap
► Knee Support
► Ponytail Holder
► Timing Device
► Toiletries

Who said running was a cheap sport? :p

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Countdown: 3 days!

Three days (well, a few hours less than three days) until one of this year's most anticipated running events: Adidas King of the Road 2010.  This event marks the anniversary of my first 10k run and the anniversary of my knee injury.  This event also marks my first half-marathon.

A year ago I would never have expected I'd be signing up for a half-marathon in this lifetime.  The aforementioned injury actually bogged me down for almost eight months.  Not only did it hinder my running progress (I had to limit myself to short-distance runs), I also had to mellow down on other high-impact activities: I temporarily eliminated the endorphin-machine BodyAttack (a high-intensity workout by Les Mills that includes several high-impact, knee-wrecking moves such as high-level lunges, jumping, and running) from my workout routine, and I had to lie low on my all-time favorite comfort workout, BodyCombat (very similar to taebo, this Les Mills workout inspired by moves from different martial arts disciplines such as karate, tai chi, kickboxing, takewondo, and capoeira).  I shifted to RPM/spinning as my regular program since it seemed to involve less impact on my knees.  In December that I decided to pay the doctor a visit, and I was thoroughly relieved when my x-ray came out clear and my doctor told me that time was all my knee needed to heal.

True enough, it did.  The knee actually got much worse before it got better (March and April were the worst months, during one race I was so frustrated I couldn't keep up with the fast pace of my music that I almost threw my earphones to the floor), but by late May my knee was feeling normal again, although by 10k progress dropped to zero.

I insisted on joining races at least twice a month in order to get used to running.  Besides, I'd reached a progress plateau in BodyCombat, and after recovery I didn't seem to be as psyched up about BodyAttack anymore.

More than a month ago, after a bit of googling and inquiry, my gym rat friends and I started joining sessions of the Ortigas chapter of the AdiNation of Runners.  aNR has four chapters in Manila, located in Alabang, Makati, Ortigas, and Fort Bonifacio.  The Ortigas group is just the right size -- big enough to motivate, small enough to get to know people without the awkwardness.  Joining the group has allowed me to appreciate running more and feel confident about myself -- enough to PR in my most recent run, the Summit Camsur Marathon held in Pili, Camarines Sur, and decide to sign up for Adidas' half-marathon.

Now that the long introduction's done and over with, I would like to mention that since then, I've done three-hour BodyCombat marathon and two-hour spinning and BodyAttack marathons.  I do a hardcore four-hour workout (BodyPump [weights and resistance training], BodyAttack, RPM, and BodyCombat) every Monday.  aNR has gotten me through fartlek training, speed training, and 13km of hills.  I've only missed one session since I joined the training sessions.

Despite all this, I can't really say I'm ready.  My outfit is already planned out as early as now: my yellow-green aNR singlet with the trademark three blue stripes, my blue shorts (or black -- I haven't decided yet), my bright blue cap, my black armband, my bright pink iPod with the new hook earphones, my bib belt, and of course, my Adizero Aces.  I've equipped myself with two energy gels, BodyGlide, and petroleum jelly.  My playlist is ready (well, almost), carbo-loading with friends has been set on Friday, and I've drastically lowered my workout intensity (especially since I seem to have overstretched my ankle during yoga last Friday).  Excited much?  Yes, you could say that.  But I would also like to say another thing: I'm terrified -- scared of the exhaustion, scared of the boredom, scared of not being able to make a decent time, scared of getting injured during my knee injury's anniversary (though I do promise to be extra careful this time around).  Then again, this is the first time I've actually trained for a run.  In three days I'll see if it actually pays off!

Jess with a little extra

I just realized that in the past, I'd always been way too conscious of who read my blogs, what people thought of what I wrote, what comments and reactions the entry would elicit.  This time, I won't care what the world thinks.  This time, I'm going to write for me.  This time, it's going to be all Jess...with a little extra :)